A review by shannon_cocktailsandbooks
Tall, Dark, and Vampire by Sara Humphreys


Olivia has been a vampire for 300 years she has made the best of it and does what she can to help those who are in need of help. She runs a nightclub in NYC called of all things The Coven and she and her small coven work and live there. She was in love when she was turned and her one true love was killed so the entire time Olivia has been a vampire she has also been celibate. Olivia is also a bit unusual in other ways for instance about 20 years ago she started dreaming very hot, sexy dreams about her love the thing is vampires don't dream.

Doug is a cop, a homicide detective, he is good at his job but he can never keep a relationship going with any woman. Doug's problem is that no woman can live up to the smokin' red-head he has dreamed about forever. When he comes across the woman of his dreams she just happens to be all wrapped up in a murder investigation. What's a guy to do.

I loved the perfect mix of murder mystery and hot romance that Tall, Dark and Vampire has. We get an awesome paranormal love story that gives us true love with a side of reincarnation. The push/pull of the hero and heroine not only being on different sides of a murder investigation but also mortal/vampire makes for a lot of juicy dilemmas and plot twists, the whole while there is a sick-o out killing young people who have been out dancing at The Coven and Olivia and Doug must stop it. This has just the right mix of humor, sex, suspense, love and duty. Overall a really great read.

Reviewed by Carin for Cocktails and Books