A review by veraann
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien


Tolkien is just so difficult for me to read through and then review. It is written in a way I feel that it's not a story to just sit and read in a sitting but to be split and read in sections per night. This has been the most enjoyable way for me and allowed me to absorb the story and magic of the world build. Tolkien has this amazing way of building this world through different tiny comments and points of views from different characters and races throughout the whole story.
In the first half of this book we follow frodo through parts of the hobbits home area and it seems so large and like it's the whole world which makes sense as our point of view are hobbits that have never left these lands even though they hear stories of more and come across other races. Then we get to the second half we start to see what a small part of the world it really is.
I go between feeling how wonderfully this is all done and thinking this is amazing writing, getting so interested and pulled in to feeling like it is dragging along and like I'm going to get a description of the color and pattern of the carpeting on the very floor they stand on. So while this is a wonderfully written tale and one of the most amazing world build I have read it is difficult for me to get through some of the parts without boredom. This is what makes it impossible for me to really stick with a star rating for the books.