A review by typewriters87
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: A Study In Mischief by Lydia Sherrer


So I’ve figured out what it is about these books I don’t like. If someone said “Here, try this cake!”, and you’re preparing to take a fork and get yourself a bite to enjoy, but instead they just shove the cake into your face. And you’re just in shock a little bit and licking off a little cake, yes, it is in fact good cake, but you would have rather found that out for yourself.
That is what these books are like. Everything is good but overdone and bashing the reader in the face, instead of just letting them ENJOY the fact that the characters are who they are.
I’m still reading them. They’re still good. Just not as enjoyable as they could be if the author had trusted her readers just a little bit more.....