A review by chilarome
The US Antifascism Reader by Bill V. Mullen, Christopher Vials


This sobering, analytical collection of antifascist writing paints a harsh picture of the USA: fascism has a hundred year history here and it’s not going away anytime soon. Not unless we do something about it. A mixture of history, theory, analysis, opinion, and instruction, the editors created a prescient tome for a critical time. “How did we get here?” and “what can we do?” are the central questions that seek answers. To be fair, the latter question is harder to thoroughly respond to, given the retrospective focus of the included writings. That’s not to say we can’t learn from the 1920s & 1930s activists who confronted fascists in the streets and newspapers. If anything, we can be emboldened, instead of despondent, that this insidious worldview has always met resistance - giving fascists room to talk and organize has never been acceptable. Though I have always opposed such violent economic nationalism, I am very grateful to have a better understanding of what I despise and why I oppose it. Shoutout to Verso Books for providing the ebook for free (https://www.versobooks.com/books/3089-the-us-antifascism-reader).

(On a funnier, lighter note, when is my check from CEO of Antifa, George Soros, coming in the mail? I’d hate to prove the conspiracy theorists wrong and I kinda need the cash