A review by amym84
Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter


Flesh and Blood is the second book in the House of Comarre series by Kristen Painter. I loved the first book and Flesh and Blood does not disappoint. It picks up about two weeks after the events of Blood Rights. Chrysabelle and Mal have been avoiding each other. Chrysabelle because she feels the weight of her promise to Mal weighing down on her but she thinks it's too soon to return to Corvinestri to ask the Aurelian about Mal's curse. Mal because feels betrayed by Chrysabelle thinking she will not fulfill her promise.

Through all of this is the threat of Tatianna coming after Chrysabelle for the ring she stole in Blood Rights. Not to mention that the covenant has been broken so vampires are more or less out in the open.

I thought this book moved along at a quick pace just like the first one. What helps this along is the switching point of views between all the characters. While frustrating only because Painter tends to leave each section off on a mini-clifhanger compelling readers to read until the resolution only to have another mini-cliffhanger to contend with. At times I did feel like there may have been too many POV switches, but I will admit I like getting all the characters's thoughts. Who am I kidding, I like getting Mal's thougts!

There is an addition of a possible love triangle which I felt extremely unecessary because Painter clearly shows the chemistry between her two main characters. I guess this other potential love interest can serve to motivate Mal to show his feelings more for Chrysabelle. I would much rather prefer to see Mal decide on his own to show his affections for Chrysabelle and not because he's jealous of someone else getting there first. Also, I very much dislike the idea of every unavailable male having feelings for our heroine. Not every guy is into every girls, I would have like Painter to explore a friendship instead. Who knows maybe that's where this is all leading anyway because truly I didn't feel as much chemistry between these two as between Chrysabelle and Mal. Although I like Creek's character and I'm very interested in learning more about him and the group he's associated with.

In this book we get more resolution for Mal, we also get resolution with the Fi situation, even Doc ahs some interesting twists in this book. Not wanting to give too much away but we get answers, but of course along with answers we get more questions which will hopefully get answered in the next installment due out December 1st.

To anyone who isn't sure about this series, I highley recommend it and can't wait for it to continue! Until Then!