A review by dvanhuysen
To Get to the Other Side by Kelly Ohlert


Thank you NetGalley and Alcove Press for the advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Trixie and Bear wind up being roommates after a chicken retrieval in downtown chicago and a coincidental classified ad. There love for Chick-Chick and each other grows.

This book had me laughing, reminiscing, angry and tearing up. I appreciated the mentions of scenes from the Office, Super Mario Bros, Buddy the elf and Jurassic world. I was laughing out loud to so many of Trixies mannerisms and thoughts. And phew, Bear was portrayed like a very sexy Luke from Gilmore Girls with a beard.

I really liked that the backgrounds of each character and how the past trauma shaped their lives. (Although I think Both should see a therapist still). I hate how books make family’s out to be picturesque but both Bear and Trixie’s family’s have issues.

The only reason it’s not a 5 is because I wish there was more detail in the romance scenes. Haha