A review by mertriestoread
The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares



It's a book about a man who is a fugitive, decided to stay at an island that has no inhabitants. One day, he saw a few people one the hill and he was curious about them.

This book left me with a long thought. I was wondering what it wanted to tell me. After I did some research and read some reviews, I came to conclusion that the fugitive (don't know what his name even though this book is his diary) is mad or at the brink of madness. He was alone at a deserted island with minimal surviving skills and whatever he saw on the hill could illusions and he was probably hallucinating. On second thought, he could be imagining the whole island and his true location could be in a psychiatric ward. The book ended simply so and I guess readers are free to have own conclusions about it.

Is it mind-blowing read? Not to me. Anyway, I picked this book because it is listed as one of the recommended books under 200 pages and I wanted to get out off my reading slump, this book did it.