A review by belle_fiction
Heart in a Box by Kelly Thompson


Updated review: 14/02/2018 - The artwork was superb and the storytelling wonderful. I ended up identifying with Emma on so many levels and will definitely re-read it again in the future.

Original review: What a lovely surprise of a book!

I bought this graphic novel on a whim and I am very glad I did.

Heart in a Box is an affecting read which follows Emma Elliot as she tries to piece her heart back together after a painful break-up. We follow her as she journeys across America, visiting myriad people in an attempt at making her heart whole once again.

The concept was brilliant and perfectly executed. The dialogue was sharp and the illustrations were superb. (I particularly loved Emma's eyes). And Bob was great! He looked like a human devil *swoons*

Heart in a Box is a perfect example of concise and effective storytelling - it isn't a long read (160 pages) and yet it embodies the whole story. We follow one woman on a life-changing rediscovery of herself and Thompson makes this look effortless. I shall definitely be checking out her other work!

I now feel inspired to take up the pen myself and have my way on paper. Perhaps I shall.

If you want a great little graphic novel to read in this lovely sunshine, Heart in a Box is definitely the way to go!