A review by biancarosesmith
Fairest Flesh by K.P. Kulski


“An apple. A perfect beauty of a fruit, something like what Eve must have plucked from Eden. The witch shoved it forward, offering the apple. It rested in the witch’s knobby hand, a perfect sphere of crimson so dark and ripened that it appeared almost black.”

This story is horrific and dark yet enchanting. Kulski’s prose is poetic and she has such a beautiful way with words and storytelling.

This is a historical reimagining of the life of the Countess Erszébet Báthory and her heinous crimes, woven in with a dark version of the fairytale Snow White. This book is not a Disney fairytale though so prepare it to be dark, gruesome and disturbing.

While reading this it is clear to see the high amount of research Kulski carried out in her preparation for writing it. As an avid reader of historical fiction I deeply appreciated this.

The way Kulski weaves the lives of two women together is intricate and mesmerizing. For a small book, there are many intricacies and Kulksi’s command of language is truly impressive. It is also obvious she writes poetry, as her prose has such a poetic quality about it.