A review by nightxade
Black Widow: The Name of the Rose by Nate Piekos, Marjorie Liu, Daniel Acuña


If there’s one thing the recent Captain America movie taught me, it’s that I am in need of a Black Widow movie. In the mean time, I will seek to satisfy this need with Black Widow comics. Unfortunately, The Name of the Rose let me down with a rather weak plot involving a mysterious enemy who learns one of Natasha’s biggest secrets: the fact that she is recording secrets on everyone, including her friends in the Avengers. The mystery enemy captures and dissects Natasha to acquire this information, leaving her severely wounded, with her only clue being a black rose.

I’m not really familiar with Black Widow, a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff, in the comics, so I’m not sure if the enemy she’s dealing with is a major part of her history. When the person is finally revealed, there is implication of a strong connection, but the connection itself is not displayed in a terribly convincing manner. There also seem to be several steps missing as Natasha goes on the hunt, luring out informants, visiting old contacts, and finding her prey. And finally, there is a big reveal about Natasha herself that is supposed to provide emotional punch, but instead just comes off as a whimper.

And while I am sure the Black Widow is in far better shape than I am, I had a hard time suspending my disbelief in regard to the serious wound she suffers at the hands of her enemy. I accept that she’s one tough cookie with mental resilience that can push her through physical pain and push her body well beyond its limits. But significant blood loss, is significant blood loss, yo.

The one really great thing about this, aside from the art, are Natasha’s friends. Wolverine, Captain America, Tony Stark, Hawkeye and one other, all play a part in her adventure, though they all ultimately know that Natasha is a woman who must deal with this situation on her own. Through them, aspects of Natasha are revealed, most notably her loyalty to the people she names a friend. She is a woman whose life is all about seduction and lies, which all of these men know intrinsically, yet, despite the revelation that she’s been collecting secrets even about them, they are willing to stand by her, or at the very least, give her the benefit of the doubt.