A review by hammard
The Flash, Vol. 2: Rogues Revolution by Marcus To, Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul


Going back to one of the books from the early days of the New 52 (now that we are at it's end) this in hindsight is a perfect example of what was good and bad about it. The talent of Manapul and Buccelato are obvious with brilliant art work and pretty good character work. But the plot is rushed and seems thin, they are determined to get as many villains as possible rather than willing to do a slow burn. There are also plenty of changes for changes' sake rather than for narrative reasons.
In a lot of ways it actually reminds me of the Marvel Ultimate titles from the early 2000s, many of them were not actively bad but more a case of disappointment they didn't do more with this opportunity.
That's not to say it is a bad way to pass 30 minutes but it's not a particulrly memorable time, especially as this follows high quality runs from Johns, Waid and Messner-Loebs over the last 20 years.