A review by vixdag
Escape in Time by Robyn Nyx


***No Synopsis***

First I will say, I do not like science fiction.

Having said that, I loved this book. It was recommended to me in the hopes that it's dystopian setting combined with its historical aspect (time travel affords you that!) would capture my imagination. Well, it most certainly did.

I thought the main characters were all very fully fleshed out. I didn't care for one of the main characters, yet I had compassion for her situation because the author gave her just enough humanity to make her relatable. I'm still wrapping my head around all the pros and cons of time travel and the idea of living a hundred years in the past while only several decades in the present.

The plot really worked for me. The first half of the book established the world of this book. I was introduced to the world, its parameters and the characters. I was shown the rules of life at this time in the future and that allowed me to prep myself for the mission that takes up the latter half of the book.

The mission itself kept me riveted to the page. The fact that it takes place in a concentration camp during WWII makes it relatable as that is our recent history.

I wish I was more articulate in regards to this review. As I said, science fiction has never been my thing so this is all new. All I know is that I loved it.

Of course, it ends in a cliffhanger! No worries, I already bought book two, so I am good to go.