A review by joanna1905
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee


Reread #2 - 7/05/19

I LOVE THIS BOOK MAN, IT'S SO CUTE AND FUN! I adore how it discusses and addresses very serious issues but that they aren't the main focus of the plot. I love Percy and Monty so much and honestly, I could do with a whole other book of them just being cute boyfriends until they die peacefully together of old age.

(Rating closer to a 4.5)


So I knew people loved this book because it was absolutely everywhere on booktube when it first came out! However, my penchant for paperbacks meant I had to wait until last month until I could get my hands on a copy.

And boy was it worth the wait! While I knew people loved this book I only had a very vague idea of the actual plot, I knew it was a queer historical ya about two boys going on their grand tour but that's about it.

This book is a thrilling adventure novel filled with mystery, pirates, alchemy and young love! Not only does it stand on its own as a great queer ya love story it's also an incredible adventure tail - and neither aspect of this novel feels like it's a crutch for the other half. Lee has done an equally fabulous job at the romance and mystery/adventure plot.

I love how it provides some discourse on sexuality, race, gender, and disability/chronic illness and not once does this representation feel forced.

I absolutely adored Monty and Percy, and their relationship was so beautiful and perfectly executed.

The plot twists about Percy being sent to an Asylum, Felicity's tenacity in hiding medicine novels in romance covers and Monty's father being trash was so perfectly done and added so much to the story.

I absolutly cannot wait for the sequal, and I look forawrd to futre work from Mackenzie Lee