A review by haniah__x
Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie


I LOVE this book. I physically could not put it down. Definitely will reread and continue with the series.

In essence, it's about a teenage girl called Lauren, who lives with her adopted parents in London, but suspects they actually kidnapped her. So she escapes, running around America, with her brilliant best friend Jam (adore him), trying to find out about her past. I must admit, the writing style is sort of childish, but I easily got used to it and couldn't care less at this point. Anyone could enjoy this; I don't think there should be age restrictions.

With all the deep, dark fantasy I've been reading lately, this refreshing British read, about British people, for once, was a perfect addition to my summer TBR, and I'm so glad I bought it. A rare gem of a book, making me stay up late so late in the night, reading, because I could not stop, which I haven't done in a lonngg time. This book is thrilling. The myriad awards don't lie.