A review by marykaleolsen
Everlasting by Alyson Noël


Thank God it's finally over. We've been searching for that damn solution for Ever and Damen to have sex (yes, you can say it straight like this without God being mad at you, Alyson!) and now, we finally have found it. But surprise, we don't need it

While in the first book Ever and Damen were nice characters you could understand, they managed to now be the most annoying persons I've ever read about (and I read Breaking Dawn, so this is really bad). I didn't even wanted them to have a happy ending, because the story is so clichee, that by the moment you finisched the third chapter you already know how it will end, but you have still 300 pages left to get there. There are no surprises, just some extra storylines to make you wait even longer until Ever loses her virginity - in this life. Actually, in this book she loses it twice, in two lifes as you can easily assume.
The book could at least have 50 pages less if the author would not repeat anything. But she does. She describes everything she can at least twice. Hell-O, the reader is not stupid, we got it at the first time!

I just wanted this book to be over. There are so many books in this world, I'm glad to not have to waste any more time with this series.