A review by jeynonymous
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Did not finish book. Stopped at 70%.
This was pretty awful in my opinion. More disappointing because I had actually enjoyed it for awhile (then kept reading cause I hate myself) and then characters were doing things totally divorced from logic and, in general, I may be female but when there are stupid comment like ‘ugh, men’ in books that’s an automatic strike for me unless the character is saying something stupid and sexist as a joke or just to annoy someone while not really meaning it. And of course that line happened really quick after I briefly tried to give this another chance after months. I seriously could not get over that ridiculous party or how anyone even thought it was a good idea to go… if you don’t know how it went after reading the set up I have a bridge to sell you. As you probably have as much common sense as any character in this book. Why not just call this ‘cause the author wills it’ the book. Who needs good reasons for stuff to happen?!

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