A review by gabriel2710
Shadow of the Sith by Adam Christopher


A really solid novel, held back by the restrictions of the current canon.

If you've read EU material, this book will feel very familiar. It takes elements, whether or not purposefully, from both the Bantam era of novels, and the later works of Troy Denning, such as Fate of the Jedi.

Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian have excellent chemistry, and their adventure is the height of the book, their every page interesting and entertaining, often with a touch of light comedy reminiscent of the original trilogy.

Kiza, the Sith Eternal, the wraiths and Exegol cultists were honestly awesome, written with a horror tone, they were incredibly creepy and fun villains for Luke to fight, even if the idea is kinda silly and dumb for what happens in The Rise of Skywalker. Kiza, especially, is an awesome character.

Rey's parents feature, and take way too much of the pages up, being focused on far too much for what little entertainment they provide, and following the same structure repeatedly. Escape, rest, escape, rest, escape, rest. They aren't very interesting characters, and Rey is merely a young girl with no personality or really anything slightly or remotely entertaining about her. These sections eventually become a slog and should've been cut down quite a lot.

It's a really great book, clearly held down by the restrictions of the current canon, but Adam Christopher is a superb author and does a sublime job writing a great book even with his story being pulled down by decisions he didn't make and can't do anything to counteract.