A review by tangleroot_eli
Every Woman's Guide to Cycling: Everything You Need to Know, from Buying Your First Bike Towinning Your First Ra Ce by Selene Yeager


Every bicycling book has something useful, this one included. Yeager covers some issues that even many "beginner" books skip, assuming everyone already knows how to ride a bike: a section at the beginning on more effective pedaling, dealing with hills, and obstacle avoidance; and one at the end on proper ride nutrition are epecially helpful.

However, I am not this book's target audience, as I realized the first time (of many) that Yeager referred to cycling as "your sport". Cycling is not my "sport". It is my transportation and sometimes my recreation. But I have no interest in racing or in riding a century or a multi-day charity ride, which led to my skipping vast swathes of the book's middle.

I have a "take what I need and leave the rest" attitude toward most cycling books. This one has some very high-quality "what I need" but an awful lot of "the rest".