A review by supermersh
The Capture by Kathryn Lasky


This book was super gripping. The author does an excellent job of painting the character into a corner. It had a great pace that kept things moving along and it was cool how she used owls as the main characters. (You actually learn a lot about owls reading this book!)

Parents should be aware that this book has some heavy themes to it. The main character is kidnapped with no hope of ever seeing his parents again. The same is true for all the other owlets at St. Aggies, it's a pretty evil place. They're forced to work and not ask questions. The outlook is grim. The book also describes owls killing other owls, which is kind of a grey area as far as as how bad it is (they're animals but also sort of people, so....??)

My ten year old daughter has read the whole series and loves it. I thought this was a good book for her age but parents with sensitive children, kids with trauma, or young kids who are advanced readers may want to proceed with caution.