A review by emiliedeeann
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan


This book was like love at first sight for me, to the point that I feel like I was biased right from the beginning.

It’s almost Harry Potter-esque, except Fred and George are narrating and they’re as smart as Hermoine. This book made me LAUGH. From page 1 and on.

It’s a beautiful telling of a kid who is just trying to feel loved, because love was denied to him his entire life. It has feminist and LGBTQ+ themes, and they are portrayed in a witty and intelligent way. I smiled the entire time I read this.

The only qualm I have is that the ending of the book seemed rushed. Very rushed. You don’t even see the final war scene or anything about a new treaty. I wonder if there is going to be more? AKA I hope for a sequel???

Basically, this book will make you laugh while also pulling at your heartstrings. I honestly adored Elliot from the beginning - I have a lot of respect for highly intelligent people dealing with the everyday incompetence of the world. I also loved Serene and Luke. This is likely a book I will read more than once. It’s definitely among my top favorite books now. And I can’t wait to introduce it to everyone I know!!!

Did I mention I loved this book? I loved this book. I think it’s my favorite one I’ve read this year.