A review by aleatorizzy
Milk Fed by Melissa Broder


I was intrigued by this book and read it pretty much in one sitting throughout this afternoon/evening. The strange fetishization of fat bodies rebounds off Rachel's struggle with her eating disorder and I'm left going like woah. hmm. This book creates a mad stew of mommy issues, jewish belonging/unbelonging, food, and sex. It felt like too close to being feeder kinky. It's not stressed much in the blurb but this is like ferociously triggering with its driving force of eating disorders so beware of that explicitly. This book does a great job of pulling you into the mind of Rachel, into her dreams and fantasies and at times hallucinations. It says a lot that I never got bored with that; this book was increasingly fast-paced and obsessed with each new meal, topic, fascination, etc.