A review by craftygoat
Never Panic Early: An Apollo 13 Astronaut's Journey by Gene Kranz, Bill Moore, Fred Haise


3.75. We saw Fred Haise on a book tour, & I was super-impressed with his talk. I had mixed feelings about the book. Parts of it, I felt like I was humoring a beloved older relative by listening to stories from their childhood. Then there were the descriptions of his flying specific aircraft, which were really of very little interest to me. And I felt like some of the transitions between different stories or topics could have been handled better -- especially when listening to the audiobook version.

I enjoyed his NASA memories the most. One thing that really stuck out to me was how much time the flight crew spent training with various simulated failures. Haise credits their cool demeanor during the Apollo 13 emergencies to the fact that problem-solving was "business as usual."

Overall, I'm glad I read this. Haise's character and intelligence shine through his stories. There's certainly a lot of history covered here, but it's told with personal anecdotes and humor that keep the reader's interest.