A review by emilia_reads
Et Cetera: An Illustrated Guide to Latin Phrases by Maia Lee-Chin

informative lighthearted reflective fast-paced


An informative book that any reader can gain something new from. Each passage briefly discusses a piece of Roman history surrounding a, sometimes common sometimes niche, Latin phrase. I'd recommend reading a few passages at a time, rather than the entire book in one go. 

My favorite passages include: Serves Animae Dimidium Meae, Neque Semper Arcum Tendit Apollo, Imperium Sine Fine, Carpe Diem, Nemo Saltat Sobrius

"Violent begets violent, and brutality creates brutalists; more men willing to conque, deface, and burn." 

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!