A review by wealhtheow
The Virtu by Sarah Monette


This is the sequel to [book: Melusine]. Renegade wizard Felix Harrowgate has regained his sanity but is hated, feared and scoffed at across two continents because of his dark past, madness and most recent betrayal, in which he inadvertantly broke the Virtu, the magical core of the Mirador. With his half-brother Mildmay in tow, Felix treks back to the Mirador, where he intends to fix the Virtu.

Now that Felix is sane again, the reader can get a much better grip on his personality. I find him to be a very dynamic and exciting character, especially in contrast to Mildmay, who mostly just sounds like Eeyore. (I like the brother equally, but I am getting tired of the setup of: Felix does something thoughtlessly cruel or mercilessly expedient. Mildmay is thus forced into physical or mental pain. All the characters pity Mildmay. Mildmay says, "no no, I deserve it and besides, I love Felix so." Repeat ad nauseum.) As in [book: Melusine], the plot progresses in fits and starts; there are long periods where nothing happens followed by GHOULS ATTACK or PRISON BREAK! Some parts I slogged through, while others I couldn't read fast enough. I look forward to the next book.