A review by tracey_stewart
Shadows Return by Lynn Flewelling


First of all, what a gorgeous cover. But I was a little disappointed in the book. Not horribly so, but … still. The previous book, [b:Traitor's Moon|74273|Traitor's Moon (Nightrunner, #3)|Lynn Flewelling|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1302490280s/74273.jpg|71864], was so very good, and wrapped the series up so tidily, that I was surprised when I found out about the new book(s).

Seregil and Alec are wonderful characters, and what they do best is the Nightrunning – hence the name of the series. And this starts promisingly with a mission successfully completed and another begun … and then suddenly en route to Aurënen they are ambushed, and next thing you know both of them are on ships as slaves. Well, Seregil is a slave – Alec is destined for other, even darker things, and it isn't pretty, any of it. (Except the cover.)

I've read reviews commenting that they spend far too long imprisoned; I agree, mostly, but not entirely: it's not like they didn't both try. Repeatedly. It was a serious illustration of what slavery means: you may be an intelligent and resourceful and motivated young man, but if you are enslaved, you're still a possession. All the traits that make you a wonderful Nightrunner, lover, friend, person make you a lousy slave – and lousy slaves end up dead. Unless your owner has an ulterior motive in keeping you alive, in which case they make you a spectacularly bruised and miserable slave.

The identity of the owner was startling, and inevitable in its way - and explained a lot. And his fate, not at all what one would expect, is great for the plot. The white child … fascinating idea. I wonder if Flewelling had that in mind when she revealed Alec's parentage. It was almost as tortuous to read about its creation as it was for poor Alec to go through it (all right, not quite: hyperbole for effect); much of the book was like that. Once the lot of them are free and on the run, the fight for Alec and Seregil to regain their status quo is almost as painful; I missed them. I haven't read the next book yet; here's hoping that whatever harrowing adventures come their way the two of them will be together, and will not fall prey to the "You don't understand me!" trap. Which is even harder to read than the "good lord, they're beating him up again" situation… at least in the latter I can have sympathy for the character if the writing is good and the situation is plausible. Although it is always a little hard to swallow that with all that abuse a character emerges in the end without any permanent damage. In the former, I just want to slap everyone involved.