A review by theblisstour
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin


This rating is based solely on "The Beast of Blackmoor" by Milla Vane aka [a:Meljean Brook|24009|Meljean Brook|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1317348186p2/24009.jpg].
Beast was fun and creative and over the top and sexy. I really enjoyed it. I really like this and I loved [b:Frozen|18045510|Frozen|Meljean Brook|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1370617777s/18045510.jpg|25324435].

I think I love her non-steam punk stuff. I want to try her angels series, but every time I look at the book and the tiny print I just go 'Ugh, not now. Later.'

The other stories:
I dnf'd the Nalini Singh one, but like everything I've read by her I found the characters uninteresting and the dialogue stilted to the point that I can't care about the plot. I don't get it.

I also started the Ilona Andrews one. Also, like [b:Magic Bites|38619|Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)|Ilona Andrews|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1331612872s/38619.jpg|38381], the writing is really good, plot, dialogue, great... But that world smells. Like they're such good writers that when I read that world I wrinkle up my nose and get a bad taste in my mouth from the descriptions of the decay and rot. I would have finished it, because again, good writing, but I dnf'd it solely because I had to move and drive across country and the local library wanted it back.