A review by lakasmoose
Lady Emma's Campaign by Jennifer Moore


Solid 2 stars. Too much of, well... everything below... to get a higher rating.

Does anyone else find this book to be a bit too graphic? I mean... innards falling out, assumed rape, murder, and ugly images being put into my head for no apparent reason...
Not what I'd expect from a regency romance.
But then the romance is a bit much too.
Sorry. Picky reader here...

Yaaaaaah! Emma put on her big girl clothes! Here's to a much better second half than the first...
But... I do wish the whole 'brotherly affection' talk from Sidney would stop. It makes the romance seem fake and forced and predictable and unbelievable.

If Emma died right now... I wouldn't care... at all.

Emma. You are ridiculous. So ridiculous.
You know that moment when you want to stop reading, but can't because... well, you just can't.
Anyway, you want to stop reading because the situation is SO ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. So you put it away, and listen to the radio instead. Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if that very thing happens more than once. At least until Emma gets her crap together and stops fantasizing every two seconds...

Doesn't anyone else see how ridiculous the situation is?

She's going to sneak onto that boat, isn't she? Yah. Because that's a brilliant idea.
A girl whose whole life has been society and parties will do extremely well in a war zone/rescue mission... Good choice Emma. Good choice.

At this point... I don't really care if Emma ends up with Sidney or not.