A review by asurges
What She Ate: Six Remarkable Women and the Food That Tells Their Stories by Laura Shapiro


I really wanted to like this book and feel bad giving it three stars. It is well researched, Shapiro is a thoughtful and engaging writer, and the book's concept is a unique one.

However, I felt it wasn't executed as well as it could have been. The first two stories worked well, but after that, I lost interest, since the stories weren't so much about food as I would have liked--instead, they were more like stories with some food. The Eva Braun chapter left--no pun intended--a terrible taste in my mouth. Why give time to someone who 1) was a terrible human being; and 2) didn't seem to eat all that much anyway? The inclusion of Braun was a death knell to the book for me, as I lost faith in Shapiro to follow up on the concept and to continue in good faith.