A review by the_bookubus
Fatal Secrets by Richie Tankersley Cusick


Fatal Secrets follows Ryan who is dealing with the death of her sister and is trying to get back to having a normal life by going to school and working a part-time job at a local toy shop. One day she starts to feel like she's being watched and followed...is her sister haunting her from beyond the grave or is there something else going on?

This is quintessential Point Horror. We've got a well-written and relatable teenage protagonist, a tragic backstory, creepy goings-on and the mystery surrounding them, plus a few potential love interests of course. Bonus points for a character called Winchester Stone. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! I could only remember some vague parts of this story and so rereading it I still found the ending to be a surprise and not what I was expecting. I also thought the romance in this one, since I'm not usually a huge fan of it, was done really well and I loved how that played out. There are some more adult themes in here that made for a very compelling story. If you're looking for where to start with Point Horror this would be a great one to pick up!