A review by upturnedroots
Beguiling the Beauty by Sherry Thomas


It's remarkable how this trilogy has an interwoven plot and timeline with all three stories happening concurrently. I read these in the order 2, 3, and 1 with six months in between reading Ravishing the Heiress and Tempting the Bride. Next, time I'll re-read these in order so I can get the full effect of all the seeds planted for future books in the right way.

Also, I thought I was staunchly an angst-only historical romance fan, solemn was my preferred flavor of melodrama, and not bonkers plots. But this series converted me. It has it all: angst, tenderness, scandal, drama, and humor.

The second book is understandably the more sensible middle-child, while the first and third are equally and delightfully absurd. Masked identity, and amnesia (which was fun to read as a cognitive psychologist).

I loved Venetia and Christian because their romance features a burning desire for revenge, and that's how all the best stories start. Also I'm not too keen on support for museums in this time period, but I can allow a fondness for dinosaur fossils. It was also nice to see the Tremaines and Leo Marsden pop up in this book!