A review by chrissireads
Follow Me Down by Tanya Byrne


I thoroughly enjoyed Heart-Shaped Bruise when I read it last year. In fact, I was completely blown away by it. I knew I just had to read the next book by Tanya Byrne. I went into reading Follow Me Down with some trepidation, but I’m happy to say, it’s a fantastic read. Tanya Byrne is certainly becoming one of my auto-buy writers. I can’t recommend her books enough!

Follow Me Down is a story about Adamma Okomma, who is sent to Crofton College when her parents move to England. Adamma soon makes friends with Scarlett Chilton, who is Queen Bee at the boarding school. Scarlett hold some dark secrets which Adamma soon becomes privy to. Adamma begins to hold secrets of her own.

Given the synopsis, I was fully expecting Follow Me Down to be about your typical love triangle in a school setting. I admit, I was disappointed that there was a love triangle. They’re becoming far too common in young adult reads. However, I also have to admit I was wrong. It’s a love triangle with a difference. I should’ve known that Tanya Byrne wouldn’t write a typical love triangle. There’s so much more to it than meets the eye.

I liked how the narration was set out. It’s told in Before and After timelines. It’s helpful to have these headings as it’s easy to keep track of what was happening. I became a bit frustrated… I kept thinking ‘After what?!’ I just had to keep reading to work out what on earth was going on.

I didn’t really predict what was going to happen in the book. I was suspicious of several characters, but didn’t quite twig who the culprit was. I’m glad to say he was one of the ones I thought it might have been.

I think the reason why I haven’t gave this book a five star, was that the use of ‘he’ confused me quite a bit. I understand that this was probably the point of the book though. It didn’t affect my enjoyment of the book, it just frustrated me at times.