A review by somewheregirl7
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz


Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! is a Newberry award book and comprises twenty-two short perfomance plays with one and two character parts. Each is from the perspective of a different resident of the same village in Medieval Europe. From the lowly beggar boy to the lord's son, each has a unique voice and story to share about their life.

The author introduces the collection as having been written to help teach her students more about Medieval Europe in a fun, hands-on way. There are several author notes after various acts giving more detailed information, such as how the 3 field system worked in farming.

It was an interesting read and certainly did slip a bit of teaching in painlessly. However the collection feels thinly threaded together and there is no over-arching story. This is just a collection of vingnettes and lacks a deeper connection with the characters and individual pieces.

Of all of them, I liked the story of Alice, the shepherdess best.