A review by thebookplatypus91
Vicious Prince by Lili St. Germain


I loved this!!!!!

If you love arranged/forced marriages and the criminal underworld with dark themes, read this.

Avery is being forced to marry a man that she is not in love with. She is not a delicate flower though and does try to fight her father who has arranged this marriage but shit kind of hits the fan and Avery ends up getting kidnapped. Throughout the entire story you have no idea who it is and it leaves off on a cliffhanger with you still not knowing who has her held captive AND she’s with her old lover she hasn’t seen in years.

You’re torn between thinking it’s her soon to be husband or her boyfriend that she had to break up with because of this arranged marriage. Or it could be entirely someone else that we don’t know about. I love reading books that aren’t predictable. And I genuinely have no idea who is doing this to her and what their motive is completely.

This is not your typical mafia captive romance. There is no romance in the story. There might be in the second book but this is a pretty dark book that has rape, mutilation, torture, etc.
There’s one scene that made me cross my legs extra tight reading. LOL

I absolutely love this and I’m very thankful I was sent an ARC for the second book so I can dive back in immediately.