A review by _readwithash
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini


This book is the moment where you can see Paolini has grown into a "real writer." On one hand, I wish so so badly, that someone within the publishing world would have said, "hey this is a great start, [with Eragon] keep reworking it and it'll get there." Because if 2008 Paolini had written this entire series, it would be one of the best fantasy series of our time. On the other hand though, Eragon is pretty much the sole reason I'm a reader today, and if I didn't have something as gripping to a 12 year old back in 2003 as this series, I would have passed on reading all together. I just wish that 2023 readers could experience this series in the same way I did, because this book and the next are so incredible.