A review by onucfs
Ripe by Sarah Rose Etter


I don't know, I guess I just didn't gel with it personally. The themes are good, but I feel like it's just way too narrow. I expected to be able to relate to the main character, but I just couldn't. The book was trying to discuss hustle culture, but it never brings up the exploitation of healthcare workers. I feel like that was a missed opportunity, when this book literally takes place during a pandemic. Healthcare workers were hailed as "heroes" and "essential workers" all the while the government kept cutting funding to healthcare institutions - this could've been such an interesting discussion!

Another thing is the lack of intersectionality. We just very briefly (in one sentence) touched on how there's only two employees of colour in the company and no further discussions were had on that. Plus - it left such a bad taste in my mouth when Cassie lied to Noor to get him to join the company. A white woman was deceiving a POC in the global south - and we're supposed to feel bad for her? Ain't no way.

Honestly I think Sarah Rose Etter just wanted to talk about her personal experiences with capitalism, and that's fine. I was only disappointed because I read the book blurb and was expecting a more comprehensive discussion about the topics she talks about.