A review by katieejayne
A Chain Across the Dawn by Drew Williams


**I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for participation in the blog tour**

What a book. I absolutely adored this story. It was a cross between an aged up Illuminae series and Guardians of the Galaxy with a lot more profanity. So, of course, I loved it.

I hadn't realised at first that this was the second novel of a series and I think it's a testament to Drew's skill as a writer that it manages to stand on its own without leaving the reader needing further clarification on any points. I imagine that the first novel is just as amazing though and that there would be more things I noticed within A Chain Across the Dawn* had I read it. I fully intend to pick it up soon. Well, when I get through some of my ever-growing TBR.

From the characters to the plot everything was incredibly well crafted. I felt like I knew Esa, Jane and Sho by the end of the book and consistently worried about their safety. It takes a tremendous amount of talent to keep a reader truly on the edge of their seat, well I nearly fell off mine reading this. There was a clear structure to the story and though the glowing chap was always going to appear at any point you still had this small shred of hope that 'no, he can't be' because with each encounter Drew up the stakes of their fight.

I bloody love Esa. She doesn't allow anyone else to define her no matter how hard they try to. Those closest to her tend the believe they know best and treat her as though she has no clue, it comes from a caring place but each time she proves to them just how capable she is. She's strong but vulnerable and isn't infallible. She makes mistakes, all the characters in this series do but they pick themselves back up and carry on. None more so than Jane, I loved learning about her background slowly and can't wait to see what happens in the third novel. Sho, my favourite little Wulf. A treasure, an icon. I beg you just let him be happy, Drew.

A brilliant novel and honestly a new favourite.
