A review by shesbecomingbookish
In Royal Service to the Queen: A Novel of the Queen's Governess by Tessa Arlen


Young and impressionable Marion Crawford has just been offered the job of a lifetime: governess to the Duke of York’s two charming daughters. Little does she (or anyone) know that these sweet young girls would become heirs to the British throne. Years go by and loyal Marion, or Crawfie as the girls loved to call her, dedicates herself to serving her current and future queens, often sacrificing her own happiness in doing so. But when her time with the family comes to an end a chance opportunity and rookie mistake permanently severe the bond that once seemed unbreakable.

I must start by saying that I love all things Windsor. I’ve been fascinated with the British Royal Family since I was a child, so Marion Crawford’s story wasn’t new to me. I’d heard about and read about her “betrayal” many times over the years. But this was the first time I heard her side of the story, and I must say it’s given me a much different view of the Queen Mother, that’s for sure. I can’t help but believe Marion was taken advantage of, first by the Queen Mother and later by the Goulds. This recounting of her story puts things in a very different light, and the story of Marion Crawford is richer than ever thanks to this book!

The story is rich with detail and highly character-driven, making it a fun and fast read. I especially loved the juxtaposition of the two romances featured in the book. What captured me the most was the relationship between Marion and the Princesses. They relied on her heavily throughout her tenure with the Windsors. She seemed to be the tempest during the storms of war, only to be cast out into the storm of her own.

Overall a great read for any fan of the Windsors and UK history.