A review by clovergenie
A Betrayal of Storms by Ben Alderson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 57%.
DNF at 57%… and I really tried. I should have read the top liked reviews. 

The concept is pretty interesting but the world building character development were nonexistent. And I don’t claim to be an expert in grammar or syntax but I wonder how many people edited the original manuscript before it was published. There is a constant switching between middle english, modern english and informal/formal language; a constant whiplash that made it hard to follow. And the repetitions were constant so you basically had to skip sentences to make the story somewhat palatable. It was infuriating.

Slight spoilers ahead (a quote that stuck out to me and made the errors way more obvious as I kept reading)

> “What do you know of your sire?” Althea asked, breaking the silence of the ruined room.
> “Sire?” I questioned, pulling a face at her reference. “You you mean my mother?”
> “If that is the title you have opted to refer to her, then yes.”

Last I check, sire is a male. And you can’t just change the definition of English words without giving some context or background. 

To be honest, I’ve read fan fic that are more eloquently written and have amazing character building that make you feel connected with them from the first chapter. And when a spicy scene happens? You can’t understand what happens, how, etc. The only spice I read before officially dropping this book was atrocious.