A review by captwinghead
Cherry Blossoms After Winter #1 - Boys Love Comic by 밤우, Bamwoo, Bamwoo


As far as plots for HS romances, this one isn't all that unique. Haebom's parents pass and he goes to live with a friend of his mother's and her son, Taesung. They apparently spend years not really talking to each other after a rocky start the first day Haebom went to live there. The story takes place years after that and fills in the pieces as it goes along. Without spoilers, I'll say that there were some aspects of the story and characterization that kept me from loving this.

Haebom is every webtoon protag that is too much of a pushover. He's being bullied in school, but if you're waiting for him to really stand up for himself, you'll be waiting forever.
SpoilerThere are 2 times he almost follows through with defending himself and they're both because of situations that involve his guardian or Taesung. Also, he gives up seconds after the attempt was made.
So, he's a character that you're supposed to feel sorry for and I got nothing else on his personality, hopes or interests. I know that he likes sweet things and that's it.

Taesung isn't much better. He likes Haebom and that's really it. He doesn't seem that attached his friends, though they're attached to him. The backstory given to this character was even more baffling, to be honest.
SpoilerFor the majority of this first season, we're meant to think that the reason Taesung didn't know anything about Haebom's school situation was because they weren't in the same classes and they weren't close. We then learn that Taesung's mom wasn't really in his life, but when he was around her, he hung out with Haebom. He left such a big impression that Taesung asked to live with his mother so he could see Haebom. It was odd that Haebom never really mentions that time they were friends, it's all told as though Taesung's mother was the only one that seemed to know him before he went to live there.

The romance is okay, but we get the usual issues with consent toward the end of the season. Haebom asks Taesung why he likes him and I was struggling to see that, as well. We don't really learn a lot about the characters beyond scary, rich, hot guy and bullied, quiet, sweet guy. So, the tropes are trope-ing I guess.