A review by niaforrester
In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch


A generally satisfying read. A group of college friends, separated by time, long-simmering resentments and misunderstandings reunite at the behest of the now-deceased center of their group of six (now five). It was a great execution of an ensemble cast in that no one was unbelievable, or poorly written, but having said that, they were all somewhat predictable archetypes--the Sharp-Tongued Prima Donna, Little Miss (Wants to Be) Perfect, the Hot Guy, the Devoted Boyfriend, and the Repressed Type A Ball-Busting Career Woman. Basically all of your college friends, twenty years after college. The Dead Friend rounds out the group. I liked, but did not love this book, and would recommend it for a long weekend read when you want to remain engaged with the characters but don't particularly want to feel too deeply. Nice "buddy fiction".