A review by lilyya
Famous Last Words by C.W. Farnsworth


4.5 stars.

Happy ‘cause I enjoyed a college sport romance after so long and hadn’t rolled my eyes once, yay!!!

It was close to a five-star read, but it took me a bit to get fully invested in story add to that the fact that the main characters took some time apart at the end of the book to 'work things one-on-one', but I won’t label it as a third act breakup and it wasn’t really a negative point in the story, because it benefited both of them at the end.

Warning spoiler

Proclaiming this as a book version of One Tree Hill is undoubtedly considered spoilers in this case.
Because I was intrigued in the " Why these two are so prone on hating and ignoring each other though they’ve never spoke to one another.." and I was hooked from the moment I knew.

I enjoyed the conversations between the two protagonists, how they confided, how they talked about their interests.
I genuinely laughed at some of their jokes they had a sort of camaraderie at the beginning of their story that was truly refreshing. The fact that they always sincerely apologized when it was necessary and never let their egos interfere was a huge plus to the book.

I liked the fact that the male mc didn’t sort all his family drama with his dad and his family out of the blue at the end of the book just to provide a 'satisfying ending'.