A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
Friends vs. Family by C.L. Stone


Now that I have come down from my anger ball I think I can logically review this book.

C.L. certainly upped her game on this one!

Not only did she take the Mother's abuse to a whole brand new messed up level--we know WHY the abuse is happening in the first place. I wasn't buying what everyone was selling me that the cancer made her 'crazy'. Then I noticed the just as crazy older sister wasn't getting ANY punishments. It was all in Sang's hands. So in my adult brain--I tried to figure it all out. I figured it out a little bit, but wasn't totally sure.

Sang experienced extreme abuse in this installment of the series. I literally worried I wouldn't be able to continue this book. However, the level of compassion in each of the male characters sort of brought me back again and again.

At this point I honestly believe that Sang needs stable therapy. Seriously, if I had gone through all I, then had a bombshell dropped on me, I would need it. I'm just not sure why Doc ain't suggesting this because they are all very much aware she has specific personality disorders that are from the abuse.

I believe that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BOYS ARE IN LOVE WITH HER. I don't think its a knight in shining armor syndrome. The way they NEED her just as much as SHE NEEDS them is very telling. And how they all basically are willing to share her and it is not really a huge issue so long as they each get their own time is very telling.

My only issue is why they are complicating the issue of pulling her out of the home. Yeah, she won't go. But what about telling her the whole truth? Maybe she will be more willing to bail and be like, "Peace mo-fos." They keep over complicating it considering in the 'system' Sang doesn't exist. My thoughts. Tell her EVERYTHING, get her out once the mother is back and give her a totally new identity! People do it every day without the aide of some secret society!

Bring on OCTOBER!

Now I am #TeamNorth #TeamSilas #TeamVictor and really edging towards #TeamKota lol He did see her first after all...