A review by cluckingbell
Monstrous Affections: An Anthology of Beastly Tales by Gavin J. Grant, Kelly Link


I received a copy for free through GoodReads' First Reads.

The value of an anthology for me is an opportunity to try out a bunch of different authors and see what sticks. Of the fifteen included here, about four I would consider seeking out in the future and only a couple I might take pains to avoid.

That said, I am not a young adult, nor do I parent one, so I feel ill-suited to reviewing this particular anthology on the basis of intended audience. There are some intriguing stories in this collection, and some relatively banal ones. Most that failed to excite me could still provide an interesting basis for discussion with or among teenagers, so this book could serve as a manageably portioned means of opening a dialogue with the young person in your life or helping them to think critically about what they read.