A review by thekategaze
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake


turns out as soon as Libby started pursuing women romantically she became perfect to me 

gideon and nico and their incredibly moving True Love TM just going on while all these other unhinged lunatics are doing their psychosexual power plays and “oh no are you triggered??” methods of foreplay is so fucking funny but also GOD they are also unwell how was this relationship ever platonic who DOES THIS their cringe love  was so moving it literally SAVED GIDEON’S LIFE bc even PARISA was moved… they are Everything

meanwhile callum is a psychopath but psych actually he has feelings… but also don’t worry he’s still a fucking dick. tristan is sooo angry both over not having killed callum and also because he’s not having sex with him either to the point that he is so insane and keeps accidentally trauma dumping on nico who is just like ah oh man uh. that’s :///  like what a hilarious friendship for this book to explore I hope they have godawful gay couple double dates someday. 

also died at callum being torn between his desire to slit tristan’s throat and to put a flower crown in his hair (not me being cute THAT IS THE TEXTUAL DESIRE). parisa and dalton continue to thrill me. reina in her “I am literally a god now” era. I know the physics here is likely unhinged and wrong but ngl I enjoyed it like yeah this is science…. This is how it is…. elin with her incredible lesbian game for 1990 and also congrats for being the first character in this book series to actually have unshakable moral principles  

I only have one complaint and that is HOW was there a BALL scene and we barely saw it I want to know what atlas put on that playlist 

 these books are masterpieces we are SO back