A review by beautifulandfullofmonsters
The Sun and the Star by Mark Oshiro, Rick Riordan


“The scariest thing in the world is that we have to make our own decisions, but you don’t deserve to live a life without that option.“

My favorite PJO book so far? I really like what Oshiro brought to this world. He made it darker without making it grittier and made the dreams actually interesting (my greatest complaint about Riordan lol 🙄). I love Nico and Will and watching their relationship develop. It’s a great use of fantasy to explore real issues of figuring out your footing with someone you’re dating but adding fantastical elements to enrich it. Some elements were a bit heavy-handed but the rest was good enough I’m willing to forgive it (it is middle grade after all). I loved this book and it’s convinced me to read Trials of Apollo!