A review by bookishshani_k
Cruz by H.J. Bellus


I’ve read a few of HJ’s other books in the past and have really enjoyed them. The ones I have read were chock full of humor and sass. This one though, was totally different than those!

Cruz is the first book in her Diablo Throne MMA Series and includes characters that will make another appearance in later books.

Layla is tough and has been through hell. The hell she lives with internally has done a lot to keep her closed off from those she loves the most. She ran away from her past as fast as she could. But a vacation to home makes it all come crashing back. Everything she’s worked for, everything she’s tried to move past smacks her in the face after a huge loss. How she reacts to it will define the next moves in her life. How does she go on? Can she?

Cruz is on his way to a championship title. Boss took him in when he was at his worst and helped to create the machine he is now. He too has held back huge parts of his life that he has wanted to keep secret. But with the return of Boss’ daughter, she can blow everything up for him and make him face it. Is he ready? Will Layla defeat his ability to focus?

They come together in a fast and fiery explosion of emotion, steam and battles. Can they take on this challenge and win? Or will it hurt in more ways than they can count?

I was so sucked into this book from the get go! Layla’s story pulled at my heart from the beginning and I felt a deep connection for her and the ones she loves. She’s fiery and honest, something I respect a lot. Cruz is mega hot and his story was not one I expected at all! Just their dynamic was so incredibly engaging. I loved this book! I can’t wait for Jag and see what else HJ has in store for us!