A review by katyanaish
Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh


It was interesting getting some detail on the inner workings of the Psy world, through Judd. The political machinations of the Psy Council were fascinating. I like that I am still not quite sure where any of them stand. And on that topic,
SpoilerI can't help feeling like the attack on the Changelings was a sloppy mess because Nikita didn't want it to succeed. We were told that she argued against attacking the packs, but that the council voted against her, and since it was in her backyard, she was tapped to oversee the project. Numerous characters commented about the sloppiness of it - Judd commented that the psychic programming on the hyenas was a sloppy hack-job, and several others mentioned that the entire plan itself seemed messy and unfocused. NOTHING about Nikita projects sloppy and unfocused to me. If it was a mess, it was because she wanted it to be a mess. Which makes me wonder what her game is.

And also, Kaleb...
Spoilerhe's either a serial killer in training (which would frankly be tiresome... we've had a serial killer at the heart of each book so far), or he's the Ghost. I am leaning towards the Ghost.
*fingers crossed*

That said, the story was as engaging as always. Judd and Brenna were fun - I liked them more than I thought I would, as I honestly had no interest in either from their brief mentions in the other books. Judd had a very satisfying arc in this book. Also, the fact that
Spoilerthe first thing he did when he broke his conditioning was have a 5-day sex marathon... *laugh* Such a guy.

But I wish we got more of an update on where things are going with the NetMind - I hope that plot thread isn't disappearing into the ether. And I'd like more Sascha and Lucas... I still find them to be the most compelling pair of the series (is it weird that I am only lukewarm about Faith? I think her "oh, but do I really want to give up my pampered life to be just a regular old Joe-Schmoe?" dilemma was a big turn-off for me).

Still really looking forward to Dorian's story...