A review by kathydavie
King of Sword and Sky by C.L. Wilson


Third in the epic romantic fantasy series, Tairen Soul.

My Take
This is a very busy story with so much happening as Ellysetta passes and as Maur feels the weight of his years.

Ellie pushes through her fears and doubts to help the fey and the tairen even though she fears Maur's taint on her. Meanwhile Maur pushes up his timetable as he fears the loss of his physical strength.

Excellent story and so very difficult to put down.

The Story
Ellysetta and Rain are traveling to the Fading Lands, Ellie’s purpose being to save the tairen kitlings.

If the evil killing them isn’t stopped, the tairen will become extinct and the fey will die.

The Characters
Ellysetta is Rain's truemate, the daughter of a master wood carver, a Celierian couple, Sol and Lauriana Baristani.

Rainer is the King of the fey solely because he was the only Tairen Soul still alive — only a Tairen Soul may be king. He had lost his mate, Sariel. A truemated fey couple, Elfeya and Shan v'En Celay, a.k.a., Lord Death, were captured by Maur and imprisoned. Kiel vel Tomar, whose strength of magic is Water, and Kieran vel Solande, Earth and the son of Marissya and Dax, are in charge of protecting the family.

The Tairen are . . .
. . . huge magical cat-like creatures with wings, who breathe fire. The fey have their magic because of the tairen. Where once there were thousands of tiaren, today there are less than two dozen . . . including the kitlings . . . and Rain, the Tairen Soul.

The Eld are . . .
. . . led by High Mage Vadim Maur and for a thousand years he has been planning the coming war against the fey. He has also been plotting a myriad of ways to gain immortality for himself.

Dahl'reisen are . . .
. . . fey who have gone to the Dark side and been banished from the Fading Lands. Lady Marissya and Dax are truemates, soul mates.

The Mists is a protective barrier laid down 1,000 years ago as a protection for the fey. The city of Garreval in Celieria is the last outpost before the Mists. The Eye of Truth is a magic crystal.

The Cover and Title
The cover and title are very accurate, Rain is the King of Sword and Sky as he slashes with his sword and armies clash behind him in a haze of red against an evil backdrop of a black hooded figure with glowing red eyes.