A review by giraffesareweird
A Pale Light in the Black by K.B. Wagers


Had to give up after the 23rd crying heart-to-heart/confessional. It's just too much and not fun at all. Some other things that just made me grit my teeth in frustration:
- the constant introductions of the characters. There's one scene where they're entering Ria's building where they introduce themselves each, one by one, to 3 different people after each other
- the whole trope of 'it's hundreds of years in the future, but one character is REALLY into the 20th/21st century!'. It's lazy and just gives an excuse for the author to put anachronisms in the book to make the reader feel included. See Demolition Man or the Will Smith I Robot
- The Jenx character (sp? I listened to the audiobook). Just having her every response be violence and it played off as cute. Oh, someone hurt Max's feelings so Jenx broke her nose! Isn't that adorable?! Just got real old
- Talks of 'the collapse' and how bad things got during our century, but nothing in the society really seems that different. Apparently there are still huge corporations/families that control everyone's lives, the military is still a very huge deal... the world building just felt very superficial.
- The talk about the 'game' as if it was the most important thing in the world. I get the reasons why, but it just really felt anti-climatic and i didn't care about it at all.
I made it about 2/3rds through and gave up