A review by audreyintheheadphones
Blood River by Phillip Tomasso III


Authors, please use at least one editor. Preferably an editor who will catch if your 3rd person narrative slips into 1st person for three paragraphs for no discernible reason, and when you do a big plot point reveal twice for the same plot point, causing your characters to act either like amnesiacs or brain fever sufferers. In addition, editors can help with all the pesky things like spelling, tense and words going missing from sentences at random.

Also, I was confused as to why every female character needed to be defined primarily by who she was or wasn't sleeping with, and this charming speech to the chief of a tribe of natives:

"You and your people, you're just ignorant, that's all. Uneducated. It's not your fault. I'm not blaming you for being stupid, or hostile, or even cannibals. You don't know any better. You live in a jungle. You're like a demonic Tarzan on a steroids [sic] or something."

On a steroids indeed.